Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lifting and Martial Arts on the Same Day?

This is either insanity or evidence of a power level over nine-thousand!

I'm guessing more along the lines of insanity though.

Anyways, here's what I moved at the gym:

Back Squat 3x5 200lbs

Bench Press 5/5/3 135lbs

Sumo Deadlift 1x5 180lbs

Dips 2/2/2

Curls 4 the gurls 3x5 DB 30lbs

As Joe and I got to the gym around 2:30 after having woken up at noon it took both of us until the second working sets on squats to really get warmed up. You just know it's going to be a bitch day when the warmup set at 150 feels like you're about to keel over. I was suprised that I warmed up and sets two and three on squat felt progressively better.

Benching was odd as I did the first two sets without much of a problem, but the third set was total shit. Even the three reps I did get out had pretty shitty form and were rather wobbly.

Deadlift, Dips, and Curls all felt fine if a bit tired due to still recovering from Tuesday's Soo Bahk workout.

I leave for the studio in about ten minutes. On tuesday after the Soo Bahk workout I was basically passing out on the couch while conversing with Courtney, Vanessa, and Joe so I half expect to need to call someone to bring a spatula to scrape my ass off the floor. Suffice to say I'm not going to be doing much of anything tommorow.

Squat/Military Press/Rows/Pull-Ups await for Saturday though! After that it's up north to visit the family for the holidays and I'll be working my way further through the Couch-to-5k program while I'm up there. I actually feel pretty sad that I'm not going to have access to weights while I'm there.

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