Wednesday, January 7, 2009

B is for, "Basically, I Think Joe is Going to Explode."

Tuesday January 6, 2009

Squat 3x5 175/180/185
DB Overhead Press 40
Bent Over Row 3x5 135
Pull Ups 3x8 82 pounds of assist

Bonus "Alex was a slacker yesterday" running post of what I actually did today!

Weighted Incline Sit ups 10 15/13/6
Hyperextensions 3x10 20

Squats were still pretty rough, but they were better than Sunday.

Weight finding on DB overhead press went well. I need to check form videos on it though to make sure we're doing it right, but much like bench it seems like it would be hard to fuck up.

Joe and I wanted to switch over to DBs for bent over rows too, but the New Year Resolution crowd were on the benches and the DBs were all fucking over the place. Goddamn.

Nothing exciting on the pull up front. It's the hardest thing I'm doing aside from overhead press, but slowly and surely I'm making progress on it.

Now, about the title of this post. At for the first 2-3 weeks of Fall quarter there were a bunch of assholes in addition to the usual brosef contingent. Joe and I have learned to never expect bars to be unloaded after use, weights to be in the right place, or to not have to wait up to ten minutes to get access to a squat rack because some brohem is doing wrist curls and needs the bumper bars. We're used to it. Even Joe (angry little man that he is) has learned to just shrug it off and laugh about it.

But Jesus Fucking Christ. Goddamn. Goddamn. The fucking New Years resolution crowd is the worst. Fucking plates and bars littered everywhere, crossfit douchebags "using" a squat rack for the entire duration Joe and I were there (they were also fully set up before hand), and nothing but standing rows, curls, and bench press to be seen in the whole fucking gym.

From the tenor of the above paragraph I think you can tell that even I was pissed.

I want to focus on the crossfit douchebags for a moment. In all fairness, the guy who we usually see in there gets his shit done in about the same time it takes Joe and I to use a rack on B days where we do squats and then overhead press back-to-back. He's also doing his entire routine competently and efficiently. I can dig that and I've made peace with his rings taking up a rack.

The douchebags that were there this time though are a different story. Not only were they being inefficient as fuck, but the more experienced brohem was trying to teach his buddy (who I overheard was totally new to crossfit and possibly lifting in general) how to do overhead squats. These are where you clean and then overhead press the bar and then do squats. It is the most gnarly, hard ass, highest chance of injury version of squats there is. Having a total beginner doing these was pretty fucking shady not to mention that for the actual squat portion of the exercise they were both only going to a half-squat at best. It was pretty damn sad.

I think that 70% of the New Years Resolution crowd will thin out by week 4, but until then Joe's going to be taking more than a few cool down walks and counts to ten.

As a last note, I've gained about ten pounds since this time last month. Weight doesn't matter much, but only to a certain extent. At 10+ pounds where I wasn't working out much so it can't be muscle it becomes an indication of a problem. I'm not going to do anything drastic about caloric intake yet, but if the weight keeps going up over the next few weeks despite starting up the (kinda gnarly for a fat dude) workout schedule I'm going to have to start slashing calories even if it means slowing my gains on running/lifting.

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